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These cities, regions and organizations are already using Decidim
You can use Decidim in a public or private organisation, with hundreds or thousands of potential participants, such as a city council, an association, a university, an NGO, a trade union, a neighbourhood collective or a cooperative...
Ajuntament d’Helsinki
We evaluated seven different kinds of participatory budgeting options to find the right platform to support...
Read the case studyEuropean Commission
The digital platform was launched on 19 April 2021 and was open to contributions until 9 of May 2022. During this...
Read the case studyRead more case studies on our blog
Facts & Figures
Decidim keeps growing and being adopted by organizations and the community.
Els principis democràtics com la rendició de comptes, la igualtat i la transparència estan en el centre del disseny. Decidim és està construït tenint al cap la democràcia, és el seu gran focus.
Katja Henttonen
Ajuntament d’Helsinki
With the implementation of Decidim in Som Energia we have generated a kinder space for participation. We released the tool in 2018, hosting the General Assembly of the Cooperative and months later we debated the Image Redesign and collaborative development of the School of Som Energia, among other participatory processes. In a few months, more than 3,500 participant people have registered, 5 participatory processes, 3 assemblies operating and more than 1,300 votes in the last General Assembly vote.
Yaiza Blanch
Som Energia
Pràcticament cada procés participatiu que ens ha arribat, l'hem pogut resoldre utilitzant les regles de negoci de Decidim. És una eina molt potent. No obstant això, la part que ens sembla més forta i important és la seva comunitat, tant de desenvolupadores com d'aquelles persones que la utilitzen per a processos participatius. Conviure amb aquesta comunitat ens ha fet dimensionar els desafiaments que comporta implementar la democràcia participativa en el món real.
Alejandra González
Govern Obert de Ciutat de Méxic
Over 400 entities, 250 governamental and 150 grass root communities have chosen Decidim for their democratic processes.
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